who am i?
Izaan Noorzahin Bte Ramlee
that's who I am

»June 2009 »July 2009 »August 2009 »September 2009 »December 2009
Alicia Ashilah Asyurah Atikah Charmian Farah A Fazerah Felicia Maryam Nabilah Nadhrah Omairah Radiya Sherwyn Zayanah
layout by leen
with resources from this.
just trying
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 2:53 AM

I'm currently blogging through windows writer, just to try out. cool huh?

i think its best it stays this way

Friday, September 25, 2009 5:14 AM

I just finished watching. It teared me. Especially the last part. Cause it reminded me about 6th March 2008, the day we Pasirians cried and laugh together as a team.

Once a Pasirian, always a Pasirian

I miss korang, very much
Saturday, September 19, 2009 7:04 AM

that's it.
kanye go die
Monday, September 14, 2009 6:34 AM
Before I start anything,


Man, I cannot upload the pictures man.


Yes, stupid kanye. Ass man. then what drama put on his blog what shit sorry to taylor and her mom. KLAKAR PE?!. As a super frequent ONTD reader, i swear you go to twitter and almost ALL the celebs were dissing kanye.


i'll upload the pics once blogger's not as asshole as kanye

stupid, they took away the video. now try my luck, see whether can upload pics.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:15 AM
I miss being on this page.
havent blogged for eons.
Oh well. I guess I'm just..

Busy/ Lazy/ Not in the Mood.

Yes, Haha. Anyway, people puasa 1 month, I puasa 3 weeks. Alaar. Got reason mah. But then still have to pay back for 7 days during normal months. Damn. Gah. The advantage and the dis advantages of being a girl. Wah yesterday, being my last non-puasa day, I evilly ate in front of many muslims, like seriously. Cause me and my neighbours always like go to each others house for no paricular reason and make a mess as if it was our house. Coincidentally, one of my neighbours also tak puasa. But she damn slumber, she eat in front of everybody. Then she ask me eat with her. Wah, thanks eh. But I still love this human. :D

School's starting in like, 7 hours and 30 minutes. NOO! Raya's in one week. YAY! But, wahlao! come back school, rot there for one week, to prepare for exams, then it's Hari Raya. Then another one week, EXAMS! Like wah! Time flies so fast man.

Q:Why did the boy throw his watch out of the window?
A:He wanted to see time fly!

Lame I know. It just reminded me of that, lol.
Still need to do some raya shopping man. Havent buy tudung. yeh, that's basically it. and,


I miss korang.
Fort Canning Central Battle Feild. awesome.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:50 AM
Refer to title.

Seriously is very very very awesome.

I love very much.

haha bahasa merepek.

currently watching BOF.

Friday, August 21, 2009 7:36 AM
-I don't have any problems with you, seriously. I DONT have any of the bullshit problems you think I'm having. I dont.
-Since when did I say you blamed me? Sumpah I didn't mention anything close about that in tt scolding me and all that the letter.
-I did say sorry too, y'know. You don't know how fucking sorry I am. It was sincere. Not to be rude or scold you or anything you did on your blog to me. Capitalised, Red, Big fonts. I never did wanna cari pasal with you. Why aleh2 you start scolding me and all that stuff?
-Suddenly got something to do with facebook. Sejak bila Facebook masuk campur? I never did say anything about facebook ar through facebook to you, kan? And what quotations? HUH?!?!
-Sejak bila aku cakap aku nak putuskan hubungan ni. TAK PERNAH! Tak perlu pe kau bbual gitu.

I really didnt want this to even start. I said it nicely, with nice language and the best possible lenient handwriting I had. You, with the hurting language and that warning font. It hurts me, hard. Especially when you're my friend. Like wtf? You said I got problem? Asked me what my problem is? I FUCKING DONT HAVE A PROBLEM LAH SIA! Aku ada tanak get pissed and hadle all this calmly. see this is why I dont wanna talk to you. Cause I know I'll just blow up and like practically shout at you or something like that. Ye lah, like you said kan. Aku bbual nanti orang sumer tengok nanti paisey pe.

"I'd rather be hated for being who I am than be loved for being who I'm not" -Madonna.